I’ve been writing on the web for a long time, but it all started on The Writer’s Coin. That was my very first site. I started it, I was the tech guy, the SEO guy, the marketing guy, the writer guy—everything. It started out as a place to talk about writing, advertising, and money. Then it became exclusively about personal finance and investing, and then it started to go into the career realm.
I’ve also written for Wisebread (mostly about money and finding good deals) and ChicagoSideSports, which is all about Chicago Sports.
My focus on this site will be to cover the digital realm, job stuff, and anything else that I wind up getting into.
I’ve been writing for a while, but here are some of my proudest moments on the page:
Theo Epstein’s Three-Year Plan
I wrote this piece about the Chicago Cubs for ChicagoSideSports, but in a partnership with Time Out Chicago, it ran as the April 2012 cover story. Click here to check out a PDF of the print piece. Also, I got to interview Steve Stone over the phone, for which I was a nervous wreck.
Buying a New Car: Avoid the Hassle
I did a LOT of research when we bought our new Outback, and so this piece is filled with great tips for anyone that’s shopping for a new car.
Why You Should Follow Google’s 20% Rule
A piece I wrote for Wisebread that gives you a good idea of how I look at work and being efficient at work.
How to Buy Stocks, Priceline-Style
This Wisebread piece is cool for a few reasons: it was my attempt at bringing my old company into the content marketing space by publishing a story that would help bridge the gap for stock traders interested in getting into option trading. This had to go through so many levels of compliance approval that I’m super pleased with how it turned out.